In order to begin with a submission process for 2nd International Symposium on Innovations in Civil Engineering and Technologies - ICivilTech2024 please log in to the following website. Note that we are using the Microsoft Conference Management Toolkit (Microsoft CMT)
Authors can participate in the symposium with abstract or full-text papers. Papers can be written in Turkish or English. Before submitting your final paper, check that the format conforms to template . The registration fee for national particitipants is 500 ₺ and maximum of 2 papers can be presented via this fee. Foreign particitipants are free of charge.
Abstract should not exceed 200 – 250 words and it must clearly indicate the problem, objectives, research methods, results and conclusions. Only the abstract should appear on the first page of the full text submission.
The file should be named with the surname of the Corresponding Author. Papers should be prepared in doc or docx format and submitted through the submission system. Any submission other than the online system such as email will not be accepted.
The paper title should be bold and centered in "Palatino Linotype" font and 14 font size. The first letters of the title must be large and centered on the page.
A distance of 2.5 cm should be left from the bottom, right, left and top edges of the page. There should be two lines before main headings and one line space before subheadings. 10 font size and Palatino Linotype font should be used in all articles except the article title. Single line spacing between the two paragraphs should be left.
Table, figure and equation representations should be made as given in this template . The paper not exceeds 15 pages and it must indicate introduction, material and method, results and discussion and conclusions sections.
References should be numbered consecutively in the text and references should be given as shown in the template .
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